Tips For Setting Goals

1. Set realistic goals.
2. Set short and long-term goals.  Before the week begins (Saturday or Sunday) jot down what your exercise schedule will be and make a menu so you can shop and even cook ahead of time.  Set weekly goals and goals for what you want to accomplish at the end of 6 weeks.
3. Read your goals daily to keep you motivated.
4. What's your vision?  Ask yourself how do I want to look and feel at the end of 6 weeks? I've seen you in class and you all look amazing so I'm guessing in 6 weeks you will look like fitness models you gorgeous women!
5. Keep a fitness/nutrition journal to track your progress.  I will bring some handouts to class you can use or you can write them down somewhere.

Here are some things you might want to jot down:

What results do you want to see happen in 6 weeks?
Maybe your goals are: toned defined muscles, feel stronger, have more energy, feel good about self and daily nutrition, clothes will fit better, inches lost, weight lost- write it down.

What is your vision for yourself?
If you have a clear vision it will give you more purpose for your actions (working out, nutrition).  If it helps create a vision board.- write it down

How will you accomplish these goals? 
What will you do to make this happen- write it down.

Who will be your go to person to help you through this journey?
Pick me, pick me!  ha ha and also find a friend that you can call to keep you motivated. 

Think positive thoughts, especially about yourself, put motivational quotes up to keep you going!

If you have anything that works for you post here and share with everyone!  It is awesome to see people work together and we can all use the support!  So looking forward to this :)

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